6 + 1 Trait
Assessment Rubric
by Nada AbiSamra)
1- Ideas & Content/Details: (over 15) The paper has a clear purpose or makes a point. Ideas are fresh and original. Relevant, accurate, quality details/evidence that enrich the theme and back up the thesis. Readers' questions/counter-arguments are anticipated and answered.
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2- Organization: (over 15) Structure of the paper enhances the central idea/claim/thesis. Includes satisfying intro (hook, good narrowing down, and appropriate thesis/claim) and conclusion (restatement, opening up, food for thought). Thoughtful transitions and excellent "flow"/pacing of information throughout.Sequencing logical and effective: logical progression of ideas.
3- Voice: (over 15) The unique perspective of the writer comes through in the piece via honesty, conviction, integrity, and believability. The writing shows what the writer really thinks and feels. Writer speaks directly to the reader in an individual, compelling, engaging way, and respects the purpose and audience of writing. The writer takes risks, and the paper is interesting, honest and engaging.
4- Language/Word Choice: (over 15) The language is rich, colorful, and precise; it moves and enlightens the reader. Words convey the message in a precise, interesting and natural way. Words are specific and accurate.
5- Sentence fluency: (over 15) The writing has an effective rhythm, flow. Sentences are well built (good sentence structure). Language enhances and clarifies meaning. Parallel structures; no useless repetitions / deadwoods; no misplaced modifiers; no sentence fragments; no awkward expressions.
6- Conventions/Mechanics: (over 15) Writer demonstrates an excellent grasp of standard conventions. Spelling generally correct; capitalization, punctuation and usage skills apparent.Only minor mechanical errors.Agreement of tenses. Very few grammatical mistakes (S/V agreement, pronoun and antecedent agreement,pronoun shifts, etc …).
7- Presentation: (over 10) Follows general conventions or guidelines/format given; proper use of title & title page information, of graphics, of bibliographical information, where necessary. Paper visually clear and pleasing. Visual aids are used purposefully and effectively.